Thursday, December 8, 2011


I have been dreaming to shoot about life, death and rebirth/change. Something that is dark, surreal and mysterious. One problem is that I really wanted to achieve of what is on my mind, and these usually involves showing off a lot of flesh!!! Luckily, a friend finally said yes to my crazy idea.. hehehe

this is basically the mood i wanted to achieve, this is already cropped though..

"Rebirth is inevitable, every little thing is changeable, everything appears and disappears; there is no blissful peace until one passes beyond the agony of life and death."

I definitely love the output coz it seems that my imagination, came to life! -

The beginning of life.. life we have to deal with certain people that we may or may not be in good relation with, but sometimes, we have to deal with our own self.

And in the end we have to face the greatest fear, and that is death...

Something out of nothing..

I realized when i read a blog of a photographer that I look up to, that through our imagination we can create something that is unique, and by that comes with realizing how to deliver it perfectly using things that we barely even notice in our own home! Being resourceful is indeed a great skill and as well as a tool to create something that is beyond imagination. 

I really had fun doing this shoot and editing it coz this is my first achieved personal dream shoot! yeay! I just got really inspired and I hope we will always get inspired! :)

video teaser i made..


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